As a regular user of Facebook, I find it very enlightening to watch work related status updates define what appears to be an overwhelming consensus that people are simply not happy with their jobs. There is a very high level of job dissatisfaction out there, what are people doing about it?
I would imagine most Facebook users are familiar with seeing status updates reflecting job dissatisfaction. A large percentage of Sunday and Monday Facebook status updates state things like “Why do the weekends go by so quickly?” or “Sad that the weekend is ending” and then, of course, the famous Monday status update which says “Back to the Grind” (you can always count on several to state that) or “Monday again, BLAH”.
Once Wednesday rolls around, there are a lot of “It’s hump day, 2 more days until Friday!” or “Can’t wait till this week is over!” By Friday, you can almost make bets on how many people will post “TGIF!!!” or “YEA! The weekend is finally here!!!”
And then it’s Sunday again and the cycle starts all over. Of course there are holidays in the mix or people taking vacation days so we all get to read a lot of “I have a 4 day weekend coming up!! Can’t wait!” And we must not forget the general work related status updates “ugh, work is stressing me out.”
Do You Look Forward to Mondays?
I can’t say I have ever seen a status update that says “Tomorrow is Monday! I can’t wait to get back into my work again!” or “Sad that it’s Friday, I am so interested in what I am doing at work that I am going to do some work over the weekend. I am curious to know if anyone else has.
I have over 200 friends so I feel I have a fairly good sampling of what people are thinking. Plus, I have a several friends who mock this trend on their pages, so that lets me know they are seeing the same things. This is very sad. Job dissatisfaction should not be the norm in our society!
Ideally, people should love what they do, after all, most of your week is spent at work. I believe that the ultimate goal in life, work wise, is to be passionate about our work.
Imagine a life where you wake up every single day feeling excited about what you will be doing that day! One where weekends are welcomed time with your family and friends but not the end all and be all to life. Sadly, it appears the people are wishing away their valuable life hours to spend just 2 days on the weekend doing the things they enjoy.
I was not raised in a way where I was told to pursue and explore the things I love doing. I was raised to get an education and find a career in a lucrative field. I suspect many others were raised the same way. The only way to true work related happiness, though, is to love what you do every day.
I Am Supposed to Like My Job?
Unfortunately, many people are stuck in the mindset that we go to work to get a paycheck that will support our families and not being passionate about your job is part of the program. This is not true! You can and should spend your days doing things you love doing. I plan to raise my kids focusing on what they love doing and what they are good at and will hope that they find true happiness in their work one day.
With this disturbing trend in job dissatisfaction, I feel it’s so important that everyone be aware of their true feelings about work and to have a plan to change it if they aren’t happy doing their jobs.
Do You Have Dreams?
What are your work/professional dreams? Many people do not know.
It’s okay if you are one who does not know but don’t let it end there! Explore this area of your life and put together a plan with measurable action steps that will enable you to spend Monday through Friday doing something you love doing.
The first place to start is to read the book “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly. Not only will this book highly motivate you to figure out your professional dreams but it will also help you get excited and energized about life, in general, and will help you put dreams in place in every aspect of your life. This book has changed my life.
Every Monday, I look for just one Facebook status update where someone is excited to be back at work. I am hopeful to see it one day but in the meantime, we all must work towards that and make “enjoying work” a priority in our lives and one that we work towards every single day.
Even if you are not happy at work, it can become much more bearable if you have plan in place and are working towards it. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel. When you are working towards a dream you will feel much more energized and doing the job you don’t necessarily like now has a purpose – to get you where you need to be! Give yourself that much; we are meant to enjoy every single day of our lives, not just the weekends!
How can you find out what is being said about on facebook….by co-workers?